About Ceramics Now Weekly

Ceramics Now Weekly is an arts newsletter you’ll love if you’re into ceramics! Every other week, the editor of Ceramics Now brings you the week’s news in the ceramic art world and shares a curated selection of artists and exhibitions.

Join over 17,000 subscribers who enjoy reading our newsletter.

  • A cover story that is relevant for the ceramics community: a call for submissions, an article, interview or event, lists and other valuable resources;

  • News from the ceramic art world: important announcements, competitions, calls for entries, resources, events, jobs, artist talks, and more;

  • Artist profiles and a curated selection of ceramic art exhibitions from all over the world.

You’ll always be up to date with what’s happening in the wonderful world of ceramics.

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Ceramics Now is a reader-supported publication. Become a member today to keep this newsletter accessible to everyone. Your support will positively impact the future of Ceramics Now, and it will help us provide you with the quality content you expect from us.

Why become a member?

  1. You keep us going—only a tiny fraction of our subscribers (1.8%) have chosen to become paid members, which means we have very limited resources to keep the publication running;

  2. You keep this newsletter accessible for everyone—the only way we can avoid a two-class system of free and paid content;

  3. You contribute to our writer’s fund, enabling us to publish more articles and feature a wider range of voices, perspectives, and expertise in the ceramics community;

  4. Your support benefits the ceramics community—we are dedicated to providing the latest news, free resources, insights, and opportunities in the world of ceramics.

  5. You receive a mention and link in our About pages and a 25% discount on all advertising across our platforms.

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Ceramics Now is thankful to the 400+ paid members who generously support our work, including Keiko Art International, Cavin-Morris Gallery, Susan Collett, Sally Cleary, Jennifer McCandless, Jan Schachter, Catherine Portal, Tony Briffa, Kathleen O’Hara, Robert Milnes, Idelisse Malavé, Shamai Gibsh, Suzy Birstein, James Evans, Mon Coin Studio, Esther Link, Susan Beiner, Judy Nelson-Moore, Jane King, Alexandra Muse Ehrlich, Claudia Von Boch, Associazione Italiana Città della Ceramica AiCC, Kurt Ross, James Kwan, Peter Augustus, Charlotte Lindley Martin, Neil Forrest, Elena Mahno, Skuja Braden, Kristina Rutar, Liza Riddle, IaRex l’AtelierLauren Kearns, Shelley Spira Burns, Anne-Laure Cano, Carol Claridge, Susannah Israel, Musée de Carouge, Carol Pulitzer, Gill Zimmermann, Amy Evans McClure, Coreen Abbott, Femi Akande, Nadine Bell, Helen Duncan, Elena Mahno, Shelley Spira Burns, Mark Goudy, Kara Thomas, Nathalie Campion, Minaal Lawn, Ripple Rock Ceramics, Fondation Bruckner, Fabienne Withofs, Yael Atzmony, Steven Branfman, Vanessa Anastasopoulou, Losa Lou Ceramics, Homa Farley, Sofia Beça, Amy Kennedy, Nicole Seisler (A-B Projects), Conrad Calimpong, Christopher St. John, Stacey Hardy, Katarzyna Miściur, La peau de l’ours, Jeffery L. Miller, Laura De Benedetti, Oriol Calvo Vergés, among others. Thank you for keeping this newsletter accessible for all and for allowing us to create engaging content for the ceramics community.

Subscribe to Ceramics Now Weekly

An arts newsletter you'll love if you're into ceramics. The editor of Ceramics Now brings you the week's news and shares a curated selection of artists and exhibitions.